MMS Endowment

The Time to Prepare for the Future is Now

Marin Montessori School has a strong history of planning for the future. Starting 60 years ago with the bold vision of a small group of Marin families seeking to provide the best possible education for their students, our one-room schoolhouse in San Rafael has transformed into one of only two fully accredited AMI (Association Montessori International) and CAIS (California Association of Independent Schools) independent schools in California.

Our community of AMI educators and independent school leadership provide world-renowned, high-fidelity Montessori education to families seeking the intentionality and scientific approach to learning that Montessori has to offer.

As the founding families looked to the future, we are once again taking bold action to secure Marin Montessori School for generations to come.

To be here for the next 60 years and beyond, our school must safeguard the financial flexibility that goes beyond annual tuition and fundraising goals by establishing a permanent endowment to support innovation, access, and excellence for all our constituents.

Founding Families

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Founding Families of the Marin Montessori School Endowment. Their extraordinary generosity will leave an enduring legacy. 

Sparrow Creek Montessori School
Anonymous (7)
Sharmeen Ahmed & Adam Khan
Susan & Doug Aley
Ashley Anderson
The Arena Family 
Mindy & Tim Ariowitsch
Christy & Darel Baer
Robyn & Robb Baer 
Meenal Balar & Arjun Lall
Whitney & Peter Bardwick 
Stella Beale
Kim & Marcus Berry
Corinne & Justin Boggs
Kendra Bolt & Karl Reichstetter
The Canter-Dobson Family 
Bruce Cardinal
Shree & Damien Carney
Talia & Nick Carter
Kate & Philippe Cayanni
Kathy Chan 
Sarah Charlton & Andrew Braithwaite 
The Chavez Family
Charmaine Chow & Saul Peña
Cheryl & Lee Chretien
The Colodny Family
Alyssa & Chris Conklin-Moore
Claire Conly & Kevin Gough
The Cox Family 
Jackie & Michael Crown 
The Cullinan Family 
The Daigle Family
Pia DeLeon & William Chuang
Kristina DePizzol, Gigi & Rosie McAllister 
Madison & Andre DeRussy
Chaney Detmer-Lillard & Jon Behrendt
The DiCerbo Family
Desiree & Justin Dorfman
Linda Drabik & Steve Dekorte 
Elizabeth & Samuel Epstein
Marla & Dan Esdorn
Teresa Federer & Peter Levinson
Erin & Patrick Flynn
The Flynn-Lank Family 
The Fontaine Family
Demi & Will Freiberg
Lori Friedman & Bill Sneed
Tabitha Gaffney & Matthew Coyne 
Olivia Greenberg
Lisa Haney & Mark Friedman
Jamie Hanna & Glenn Hopkins 
Desiree & Nathan Harbacek
Lily & John Harrington
Ashley Harris & Jon Fougner
The Grenawalt Gurevich Family
The Havlek Family 
Mrs. Roseanne & Dr. Thomas Higgins 
Jillian & Matt Hochstetler
Nicole Hollis & Lewis Heathcote
Natasha & Marco Innocenti
Jenny Craig Family Foundation
      & The Overlie Family
Jenny Craig Family Foundation
      & Michelle Weinger
Ashley Johnson & Marshall Butler
Leslie & Andrew Kastner
The Kerr Family 
Liesbeth Koning
Taylor & Sean Kramer
Melissa & Omar Lari 
Kate & Erik Larson
Sue Larson
Kelly & Martin Lauber
Jules Layman
Lisa & Colin le Duc
Masha & Francisco LePort
The Littman Family 
Julia Liu & Pouya Fatemi
The Fremrot-Rosenberg Family
Devon & Chase Lochmiller
The Maguire Family 
Rose & Brent Martin
Amanda Mason
Minnie McBride
Ellen & Simon McMahon
Kathryn & Reid Menge 
Anna Mitchell
Sara & Jamal Modir
Amy & Tim Moffet
The Mullenholz Family
Lizzy & Ramtin Naimi
Angela & Will Newell
Heidi Newell
Alice Nguyen & Alistair Roberts
Sarah & Scott Niehaus
The Niles Family
Haley & Eric Nusbaum
Ohana Foundation with Amy Soper & 
    Marcia Lucas
Siri & Satyam Panday 
Meredith Pavia & David Bercovich 
Dilrukshi Perera & Lahiru Weeraratne
Karolin & Mark Phillips
Francesca and Brian Pokorny
Frannie Pope-Hohman & Robert Hohman 
Theresa & Tom Preston-Werner 
Karen Quint & Chris Griffin
Gaargi Ramakrishnan & Rishi Desai
Deepa Ramchandran & Kunal Kaul
The Reinhard Family
The Rolston Family
Carla Rummo & Paul Williams
Brooke & David Rusenko
The Schar Family 
The Schear Family 
Lindsay & Ryan Shane
Ketut & Sam Shapiro
Anna Shimko & Peter Hudson
Jenevie & Alex Shoykhet
The Siegel Family 
Dorlon & Dylan Simonds
Aditi & Jay Sivachelvan
Courtney & Gregory Smith 
Stacey Sprenkel & Ryan Hassanein
Alex Stanculescu & Bryan Rimel 
Kaitlin & Matt Stratton
Mika Street & Daniel Gluck
Jean-Claude Tarbe
Janice & Gary Toebben 
Julia & Andrew Toebben
Aarti & Deap Ubhi
The Van Acker Family 
Julie & Tim Van Voris
Eva & Alex Vaz
Minnie & Victor Wales
The Wayand-Lim Family 
Amy Wilhem & Jeff Gossett
Carolyn & Trevor Woolf