Junior High

Adolescents: 12-15 years old


Register for Junior High Open House | January 25, 2025


Our Junior High Open House takes place from 10am - 12:30pm on our upper campus located at 1 Saint Vincent Drive, San Rafael. More details to follow!
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The early adolescent years are marked by a profound level of change and brain development.

In embracing this reality, our Junior High ensures that each student successfully navigates this transformative developmental stage--and thrives doing it.

Connecting their neurological traits and needs to the daily experience of school, MMS Junior High students are deeply engaged in challenging academic learning that comes vividly to life.

Additionally, they feel safe to grapple with social and emotional growth, without fear; they learn self-sufficiency and independence, while also being active participants in a flourishing and supportive school community. The results are self-possessed and self-confident young adults excited and well prepared for high school and beyond.

Our Junior High program builds upon the foundational principles established in our Elementary curriculum, offering a rich and dynamic educational experience that prepares students for the intellectual and social challenges of high school and beyond. We emphasize academic rigor, intellectual curiosity, and social-emotional development, fostering a supportive environment where students can thrive as confident, responsible, and compassionate individuals.

Our curriculum is designed to integrate traditional academic subjects with real-world applications, encouraging students to engage deeply with their learning and develop a lifelong passion for knowledge. From Mathematics and Language Arts to Humanities, Sciences, Spanish, and Creative and Physical Expression, our students acquire a broad and deep understanding of various disciplines, empowering them to navigate the complexities of the modern world with grace and authenticity.

Core Areas of Study

Essential Growth Areas for Junior High

Other Key Junior High Features

Hand-drawn map of the Junior High by BZ AuYeung, MMS Class of 2023

Where is the Junior High?

Our campus is set in 900 acres of agricultural land, and we have our own one-acre farm with chickens, vegetable gardens and sometimes goats, pigs and more.

We have arched porticos, spaces for art, science, and theater as well as gorgeous gardens.

“The whole life of the adolescent should be organized in such a way that will allow him or her, when the time comes, to make a triumphal entry into the life of society, not entering it debilitated, isolated or humiliated, but with head high, sure of himself or herself."

-Dr. Maria Montessori