Our Levels

At MMS, we use the term "levels" to describe how we cohort students. 

It's not just a language choice; it's a key distinction. Teachers work with their students for multiple years. As a result, they develop a rich understanding of each child, what interests them and how they learn. Thus, their ideal developmental pace is honored, challenged, and supported. Their interests and passions are seen.

Deep learning is the goal. Lifelong learning is the result.

You may notice we like birds. 

Each class on the Corte Madera campus bears the name (and sometimes the personality) of the birds students often see on our stunning home. It may take a while to learn all of the names, but eventually you will likely feel great referring to your child and yourself as a Burrowing Owl. 

Toddler (18 months to 2 years and 6 months): Song Sparrow and Sandpiper

Primary (2 years and six months to 6 years old): Great Blue Heron, Mourning Dove, Quail, and Pelican

Lower Elementary (1st through 3rd grade): Chickadee and Burrowing Owl

Upper Elementary (4th through 6th grade): Belted Kingfisher and Great White Egret

Our mixed-aged classrooms are extraordinarily rich in developmental opportunities.


This structure offers many benefits:

  • Children can progress at their own pace without grade level limitations.
  • Younger children learn from older children and aspire to do what they are doing. In turn, older children hone their leadership skills, develop empathy, and further their mastery of subject matter by acting as guides to younger children.
  • As children stay together for three years in our mixed-aged classrooms, they develop strong social bonds and work together closely to create vibrant class communities.

Our rigorous and joyful program is based on scientifically-grounded best practices in teaching and learning. And, in an innovative and ever-changing world where most careers haven’t even been invented yet, our students have the time and space to dig deep, solve real world problems, and learn by doing.

At the culmination of the Marin Montessori journey, our graduates are confident, capable, grounded people who have learned how to be innovators, leaders, and uniquely self-aware individuals prepared for a lifetime of success.

At MMS, there are no ceilings to the learning, just wide open skies.  

18 months - 2.5 years



Ages 2.5 to 6 years old



1st-6th grade / Ages 6 to 12



7th-9th Grade / Ages 12-15

Junior High

Case in point:

Hear from an MMS alum about how our approach to teaching math inspired her talent and joy for mathematics.