AMI Connections

Marin Montessori School is excited to support aspiring Montessori educators on their journey toward earning an AMI diploma.

This includes student teaching and observation opportunities in our classrooms, providing you with the practical experience and mentorship you need to succeed in your future roles.

The AMI Montessori teacher training is recognized globally as the gold standard for Montessori educators. It equips teachers with a deep understanding of Montessori principles, child development, and compassionate teaching. Earning an AMI certification is a mark of excellence that sets you apart as a highly qualified teacher.

Observation and practice teaching are vital parts of the AMI program, allowing you to study children in action and deepen your understanding of Montessori theory. During your observation hours, you’ll take detailed notes and analyze them through the lens of Montessori philosophy. As a practice teacher, you will receive mentorship from our host guides, who will answer your questions and offer feedback as you practice presenting lessons.

Please complete this request form, and we'll be in touch as soon as possible. While we strive to accommodate as many requests as possible, completing this form does not guarantee that we will be able to meet your needs. Thank you for understanding.


First Name
Last Name
What training center are you affiliated with?
What diploma program are you enrolled in:
What are you interested in?
What months are you interested in?
What days are you available?