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Toddler-Grade 6
5200 Paradise Drive
Corte Madera, CA 94925
From Highway 101 North
Take the Paradise Drive exit from Highway 101. Turn right at the light onto Tamalpais Drive. Stay in the right-hand lane, which veers right onto Paradise Drive (beyond the Home Consignment Center). Continuing on Paradise Drive, you will pass Paradise Foods on the right. After about a mile and a half, you will come to a pedestrian overpass. Continue beyond the overpass and look for the Marin Montessori School sign on the left. To enter the parking lot, turn left into the driveway at the far (east) end of the campus. You can also park on the south side of Paradise Drive across from our campus.
From Highway 101 South
Take the Paradise Drive exit from Highway 101. Turn left at the light onto Tamalpais Drive and go back over the freeway overpass. Stay in the right-hand lane, which veers right onto Paradise Drive (beyond the Home Consignment Center). Continuing on Paradise Drive, you will pass Paradise Foods on the right. After about a mile and a half, you will come to a pedestrian overpass. Continue beyond the overpass and look for the Marin Montessori School sign on the left. To enter the parking lot, turn left into the driveway at the far (east) end of the campus. You can also park on the south side of Paradise Drive across from our campus.
Junior High
1 St. Vincent's Drive
San Rafael, CA 94903
From 101 N., take the St Vincent exit and turn right.
From 101 S., take the St Vincent exit and turn left, crossing over the freeway.
Continue down the tree-lined lane. You can find our schoolhouse on the right side of the courtyard. The entrance is marked with our name.