Head of School Welcome: Why MMS?
Imagine being a student again and going to school each day filled with curiosity and focused engagement. Imagine participating in a community that is kind, inclusive, and hardworking. Imagine spending each day immersed in natural beauty.
For more than half a century, Marin Montessori students, from our toddlers to our teens, have lived this reality: MMS is the school where curious minds and good hearts come to flourish.
At MMS, we believe that children and adolescents yearn to understand the world and how to be effective in it. We know how to access and inspire children’s innate curiosity so that their passion for learning, creating, and problem solving burns brightly for life.
As former Vice President Al Gore noted when he spoke on our school’s behalf, we offer this education so our students can envision how they will excel, find meaning in the world, and ultimately, give back to it.
A major reason why we're able to offer such a distinctly powerful program is that we are a recognized not-for-profit AMI school. The Association Montessori Internationale is the gold standard in Montessori training and accreditation. Our AMI credentialed faculty are expert educators who apply Dr. Montessori's approach faithfully and joyously.
Ours is a carefully prepared and aesthetically inspiring environment. Here, masterful teachers guide and support students in stretching beyond their perceived limits.
We offer students age-appropriate degrees of freedom so they can delve deeply into their interests and, in doing so, develop the capacity for robust academic and creative work.
At Marin Montessori, our students go on to highly regarded high schools. Because our finely crafted approach enables us to offer keen attention to every child, we continue to hear that our students have internalized authentic Montessori habits of mind: our graduates are exceptionally self-directed, focused, innovative, collaborative, resilient, and engaged young adults.
Reading about MMS is one thing; experiencing it is another. I heartily encourage you to contact our Director of Admissions to arrange a visit. Our Toddler, Primary, and Elementary students benefit from an ocean-side campus that is verdant, nurturing, and safe, with each classroom a beautifully curated and self-contained space for potent learning.
Amidst a rural setting a bit further north is the welcoming and inclusive community of our Junior High School. Here students undertake robust intellectual work that utilizes real-life experiences in business, land management, and adventure travel to bring academic ideas into sharp relief—and build life-long friendships along the way, too.
I look forward to greeting you on your visit and sharing why I could not be more excited to be leading this school, where curious minds and good hearts come to flourish every day.
Sam Shapiro
Head of School